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Succulent duck breast with red wine jus

If you're looking for a special occasion dinner that will impress your guests, look no further than this succulent duck breast with red wine jus. It's fancy, yet easy to make and pairs perfectly with our Casa Santos Lima Red Blend. Serve with creamy mashed potatoes and roasted carrots.

For the red wine jus, it might be tempting to go overboard and use the Casa Santos, but we think that's a waste. The truth is that, for a jus, any cheap supermarket red will do. Save the good stuff for drinking!




duck breast

Succulent duck breast with red wine jus

  • Cuisine: French
  • Servings: 4
  • Prep Time: 5min
  • Cook Time: 45min
  • Total Time: 50min


Duck Breast

  • 4 Duck breasts, skin on

  • Salt & pepper

Mashed Potato

  • 1kg of potatoes

  • 75g butter

  • 100ml milk

  • 100ml double cream

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 2tbps rosemary

  • 2tbsp chives

Roasted carrots

  • 4 large carrots

  • 2tbsp honey

  • 2tbsp balsamic vinegar

  • 1 tbsp butter

Red wine jus

  • 200ml dry red wine

  • 2 garlic gloves

  • 150ml chicken stock

  • 3 tbsp blackcurrent or cranberry jam 

  • 1tbsp butter

  • Few thyme sprigs


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees C

  2. Peel and chop the carrots, drizzle with olive oil and place in the oven.

  3. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half and place in boiling water.

  4. For the creamy mash, put the 75g of butter in a small saucepan and melt it over a medium heat.

  5. Add the garlic rosemary to the saucepan and cook for 1 or 2 minutes.

  6. Add the milk and cream to the saucepan, heat to a low simmer then remove from the heat and leave to one side.

  7. Score the duck breast on the skin side in a criss-cross pattern. Rub salt and pepper into the scored skin.

  8. Place the duck breast in a cold frying pan, skin side down, and heat the pan to a medium heat. It's important that the pan is cold when you start, to render the fat slowly from the duck breast.

  9. Once the fat is rendered and the skin has crisped up, turn the breast over and sear the meat side.

  10. Place the duck breast in the oven for around 10 minutes.

  11. To make the red wine jus, drain the pan of most of the duck fat. This can be saved and used for other meals.

  12. Put two chopped garlic gloves into the pan that the duck was fried in. Cook for 2 minutes.

  13. Add the red wine and boil for a few minutes, until reduced by around half.

  14. Add the stock and reduce by half as well.

  15. Stir in the blackcurrant jam and butter. Season with salt and pepper if needed, and place to one side.

  16. When the potatoes are tender, drain the water from them and mash with a potato ricer.

  17. Pour the cream mixture over the potatoes and add the chives. Mix well.

  18. Take the carrots out of the oven and toss with the balsamic vinegar, honey and small piece of butter. 

  19. Plate everything up, and drizzle the jus over the duck breast. You might want to slice the duck breast before plating. This allows the jus to cover more of the duck, and makes it easier for your guests to eat.
